What is stress management?

Stress and anxiety concerns stem from stress management issues, which are best explained by the physiological model of stress (Selye 1956). This model asserts that when we are confronted with stressful, frightening, or threatening situation caused by people, events, our interpretations or situations in our surroundings, our bodies will adopt a physiological response known as fight or flight.

Fight or Flight?

It’s no surprise that some of us start fighting, develop anger management issues, and then continue to fight the situation at night while unable to sleep. This is because the physiological response to stress increases our physiological responses such as heart rate and blood pressure, dilates pupils, and produces glycogens, coricosteriods, and adreline, all of which help us deal with the stress response. These stress responses will undoubtedly keep us up at night and cause insomnia, which is one of several symptoms of stress and anxiety that occur from inadequate stress management.


Physiological Stress Response Model

This physiological model of stress argues that the stress response occurs in three stages, beginning with an alarm that triggers physiological reactions to assist us remove stresses. Failure to resolve the stressors leads to the second stage of resistance. In stage two, aderline levels remain high, which suppresses immunological responses. Unfortunately, long-term stress management concerns can impair immune system efficiency and have been linked to conditions such as cancer, asthma, and high blood pressure (Hayward, 2001). The final stage is exhaustion which is probably what most Londoners suffer from. You can understand why stress management is important. In counselling sessions, we will strive to uncover the root reasons of your stress management problems and propose appropriate solutions. Read about a former client’s experience with Leona’s support for anxiety and anger management issues:

Client’s Review After 1o Sessions

“I had initial 10 sessions. The latter part of 2022 with Leona Sears of Westminster Psychotherapy. I am so very much better in so many ways. Leona showed me how to deal with seriously dangerous and damaging anger in a matter of a few weeks. From being in an incredibly angry and anxious state nearly all the time, Leona has guided me through that emotional chaos to a place where I have self-respect and respect for others, confidence and calm. When I was ready and asked, she helped me revisit deep traumas that were seriously affecting my behaviour, and causing anger. She explained to me how to review those painful and anger creating memories and readjust my attitude towards them in a way that rebuilt my view of those events. This helped me change my damage and ultimately anger creating self-image.It has been incredibly powerful, life affirming and effective.”


Stress management sessions

This client accomplished far more than he gives himself credit for, with only his wife privy to the full extent of his achievements. If you would like to book a session with Leona Sears for anxiety and stress management or anger management please do not hesitate to contact her on 07505124933.